GraceNet UK



The UK has a number of training institutions that hold to the reformed Evangelical position, offering courses at various levels for those who are preparing for the ministry or other forms of service within the churches, or who simply want to strengthen their knowledge through an academic course of study. Below you will find links to those institutions that either have a presence on the GraceNet UK site or have their own Web site.

If you would like your organisation to be represented here, please contact us by e-mail at

London Theological Seminary


Achor Project Training Opportunities

Gain experience of church replanting and train for this strategic ministry in a church replanting situation whilst following a course of Reformed Baptist theological study, gaining input from some of the most experienced Reformed Baptist men in the field in the UK today.

Study will be undertaken on a tutorial system with pioneering pastors whilst working in pioneering situations, and in intensive input sessions at a central resource centre along with others following the same programme in other locations. These intensive sessions will be led by the some of the UK's leading Reformed Baptist men in areas of study such as Systematic Theology, Church History, New Testament Theology, Pastoral Theology, Hermeneutics and Homiletics.

Only those sensing the call of God to pioneer church planting and re-planting and whose churches recognise that call should consider applying.

In the first instance please contact Simon Bowkett by e-mail on


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