GraceNet UK



A growing number of resources relating to Reformed Christianity are becoming available on the Internet. On this page you will find links to the other sites where these can be found. The country in which the site is based is shown in brackets. Use your browsers back button to return to GraceNet UK.

If you know of other resources that ought to be listed here, please tell us be e-mailing us on

The Center for Reformed Theology and Apologetics (US)
To quote from the CRTA home page: "The Center for Reformed Theology and Apologetics (CRTA) is dedicated to providing biblically sound online resources for the edification of God's people. The Center is committed to the system of doctrine known as Calvinism, which we see to be the most biblically faithful systematization of the Bible's teachings."

The Protestant Reformed Churches in America (US)
The unofficial home page of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America, containing a variety of church, mission and publication information.

The Biblical Creation Society
The Web pages of a Christian society that advances and defends the Biblical teaching on creation.

Reformed Evangelical Baptist Contacts
A web site run by Keith Leedham as a point of contact, in the Basingstoke & District area of the UK, for Christian believers whose convictions are consistant with the essential tenets of the Reformed Protestant faith.

Just for Catholics
A site for Roman Catholics, written by a former Roman Catholic.

Evangelical Movement of Wales
"The Evangelical Movement of Wales promotes the Bible through Christian camps, conferences, courses, evangelism, publications and shops."

The Strict Baptist Historical Society

On Eagles Wings
A Christian perspective on M.E./C.F.I.D.S.

Praise Trust
The Web site for the Praise! Hymn Book

"An online Christian Resources Centre based upon the system of doctrine taught in the Westminster Confession of Faith."

Evangelical Press

Used Christian Books
All profits from the sale of donated books are dedicated to the support of Gospel ministry.

Links to Commercial Sites

Christian Books, Dunstable, Beds (UK)
Over 5000 books, Bibles, music, greetings cards, gifts and video hire

Gospel Cards, etc (UK)
Christian cards, books and other items for sale

Compton Organ Specialists (UK)

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